Spiced Pork Spare Ribs
(Can be made with chicken, but is not so flavoursome)

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes (4-5 hours if using slow cooker)
Serves 4
4 x pork spare ribs chops or shoulder steaks (much more flavour than loin chops)
1 x onion, peeled and diced
1 x clove garlic, peeled and finely chopped
4 x button mushrooms, sliced
1 x red pepper, deseeded and diced
2 x tbsp tomato purée
2 x tbsp vinegar
1 x tbsp honey
¼ pint/140ml x stock made from chicken stock cube
Good pinch of chilli powder
Good pinch oregano
Olive oil for frying
- Heat the oil in a large saucepan.
- Add the pork and fry for 5 minutes, turning occasionally.
- While pork is frying, make up 1/4 pint stock using boiling water in a jug. To this add the purée, vinegar, oregano, chilli powder and honey and stir well till honey dissolves.
- Remove pork and keep warm.
- Add onion, garlic, mushrooms and red pepper to the pan and fry for 5 minutes or until onions are soft and pale golden.
- Return pork to pan and pour over the stock mixture.
- Stir carefully, cover and simmer on a gentle heat for further 10 minutes, stirring occasionally or place in a slow cooker on low for 4-5 hours after which the meat will fall off the bone.
- Check seasoning and remove bones if required.
- Serve immediately on a bed of boiled rice.